Wednesday, March 4, 2015

How our creator controls us!!!

The question comes in our mind how it controls??
Is there any kind of chip installed in our system which is sending anonymous data usage to the creator or is it some kind of tracker which send our emotions or feeling to them without seeking our permission.
How it works let's find it out...

In the whole universe every species emits some kind of energy beam or ray which is unique for each and every creature.
For e.g. scientists says that every human being possess unique DNA, but they don't know completely about this.
May be they know only 1% and rest 99% is still unknown for them.
So we may conclude that this may be the transmitter or some kind of device which is sending signals to the destination .
If you go deep into this, you will find another clue about our creator. What is it??
Have you ever been noticed that whenever you are in some kind of trouble or in depression your mother will some how  get aware of this fact.
How she knows that her child is suffering from some kind of danger ???
It generally happens that during the birth process of newly born baby it inherits all the characteristics of his/her parent along with some new characters given by our creator.
Since some of your properties(characters) are derived from your mother there may be a possibility that your mother is able to capture and decode your unique signal, when energy level of signals is very high as she is the owner of those properties.
Why I am comparing this with highly energized signal because whenever you are in some trouble you BP will shoots up, your hands and forehead gets wet due to sweat. In these situations, your body tries to come back to normal energy level, and it is achieved only when it will boost the energy level of outgoing emitting signals.
Everyone believes that all the creatures are being controlled by some third power, though we have discussed some of the possibilities above. But did we ever imagined how it distinguishes and processes billion and billion of data of each individual within such a small interval of time. Just imagine how complex algorithm is used by our creator. Is our brain developed close enough to understand  all these complex technologies??
If yes, How??

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