Sunday, February 26, 2017

Is our brain developed close enough to understand our creator's technology

Hello friends today I want to take you back in our past for some 300-400 years ago.
What are you seeing here???
Your Ancestors with great civilization and Technology.
Don't you believe me??
Okay, Let me first give you some of the ongoing research topic of our modern world
1. Nano Science.
2. NASA Continuously trying to explore the Universe in search of Life.
3. Telecommunication

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

How our creator controls us!!!

The question comes in our mind how it controls??
Is there any kind of chip installed in our system which is sending anonymous data usage to the creator or is it some kind of tracker which send our emotions or feeling to them without seeking our permission.
How it works let's find it out...

Monday, March 2, 2015

The Imagination Begins

Hello Friends Have you ever think about our Existence.
Why we are here??
It looks like a very silly question, but when you go deep into the imagination sea, you will find that question itself tries to give you some clue. I think if you try to follow these clues you will end up in a mess with a sequence of real or imaginary thoughts.